Momento360 enables you to get the most out of 360-degree photos and images: view, store, share, embed, annotate without worrying about whether your device or viewing platform supports this new image format.
We built Momento360 because viewing 360-degree imagery shouldn’t be so hard—whether you want to do it on your Android or iPhone, or in VR! We also found it surprisingly difficult to share 360 images with colleagues and friends, especially in a private or professional manner (e.g. not in a social media context).
See our Use Cases sections for some examples of how people are using Momento360 to solve their problems.
Though it was built for 360 cameras, you can use Momento360 for any image that’s in equirectangular format. People use us to display drone panoramas, architectural renderings, even hand-drawn sketches (VR prototyping). As long as it’s an image format we recognize, it should work (more or less).
Although many 360-degree videos will work on Momento360, it only works as a secondary feature. If you intend to work mostly with 360-degree video we would suggest finding a video-specific provider (e.g. Youtube, Vimeo, etc) as they will function much better than we will for that purpose. The occasional short clip should work fine on Momento360 but things like embeds/shares will not work consistently at present.
No. You can use Momento360 to view and share any kind of image that’s in 360. This includes drone panoramas, 360 renderings, photospheres, the list goes on and on. Some people even use us for hand sketches!
You will need an image of some sort, however. That part we don't handle.
To view a photo that’s been shared with you, you only need any device that can run a modern web browser, like a computer or a phone. To share your own 360 media, you need to have your 360 media in equirectangular format. We support most image formats.
Yes! Momento360 supports VR 360 photo viewing on Google Cardboard, and 360 photo and 360 video viewing on Samsung Gear VR, with support for Oculus Quest planned in the future. You can enter Google Cardboard mode when you’re viewing a 360 photo in your browser.
No. Momento360 is designed to work from any web browser, without installing an app. You just sign into your account. Momento360 works on iPhones, Android smartphones, iPads, Android tablets, and laptop/desktop computers.
Momento360 is private by default, so you choose who gets to see your media.The only way anybody else can view your media is if you explicitly create a share link and send it to someone.
No. The only way anyone else can view any of your items is if you explicitly create a share and send it to someone. With Momento360’s share links feature, the only people that can see your media are the people that have access to the link.
Yes. Momento360 share links can be disabled afterwards. In this way, even if someone has the share link, they will see nothing after you “turn it off.” Some social media platforms like Facebook may retain a copy of your preview imagery depending on how their caching works.
On-platform shares can similarly be revoked, though we cannot delete any copies that may have been made while recipients had access.
No. You’re not required to share any of your content. If you want to use Momento360 simply as a better way to view your own 360 media across devices, you can definitely do that. One of the reasons we built Momento360 was because it was so much work to just view 360-degree imagery in all the places we wanted to. 360-degree imagery is an amazing communication medium, but it also works great as documentation too.
Your photos and images are all stored securely and backed up regularly on Momento360's servers.
Short Answer: NO.
Longer answer: Momento360 makes no claims on any additional rights to your images.
The only rights we ask for in our terms of service are the ones we need in order to operate the service itself (e.g. hosting, etc.). We do not use anyone’s images for promotional purposes; we are not a social media platform. It's more accurate to think of Momento360 like a tool like Dropbox than something like Facebook, even though sometimes the functionality can seem similar.
Yes! Many, many, many of our users (and more every day) use Momento360 for professional and business use cases.
You can customize the branding on our embedded player; other requested features will be coming soon. See our Plans and Pricing page for details.
Everyone can sign up for a free account. If, after trying it you need more capabilities you can look at upgrading to a paid subscription plan.
Visit our Plans and Pricing page for more details.
It depends on your subscription tier.
Every free user gets up to 2GB storage; paid accounts have larger account sizes. If you need additional storage beyond the Pro Plan's 250GB contact us and we can arrange for more storage.
See our Pricing page for details.
We currently do not but are working on it. In the meantime, we can offer bulk per-seat pricing if you need more than a few seats; contact for details.
For annual Pro Plans we offer payment via invoice; please email for details.
Momento360 supports all modern web browsers on smartphones, tablets and laptop/desktop computers. You don’t need to download an app to use it. For VR mode, we support Google Cardboard; with additional support in browser via WebVR, with WebXR on the way.
We support images from most monoscopic 360 cameras. We have specifically tested (and ourselves use) the Ricoh Theta series, Insta 360 One X/Nano, GoPro Fusion, Samsung Gear360s, Xiaomi Mi Sphere, Nikon KeyMission 360, LG 360, Google Streetview app, etc., etc. among others. We correctly render images produced in an equirectangular projection (most every 360 camera will output this format). We currently only support monoscopic images.
Users on the Professional Plan can opt to have no branding on their embeds and shares. The Momento360 watermark appears for all users on the Free and Personal plans. See the Pricing page for plan details.
Yes! Users on the Professional Plan can add their own logo on all their embeds and shares. The Momento360 watermark appears for all users on the Free and Personal plans. See the Pricing page for plan details.
If there’s a feature or scenario you’d really like us to support, please let us know at
Let us know at We want to help—and we want you to be as excited about 360s as we are!